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Exploratory Modeling

Exploratory modeling aims to analyze data to uncover patterns, relationships, and anomalies. It answers the question, "Why did this happen?" The objectives of this type of modeling include:

  • Identifying hidden relationships between variables.
  • Formulating hypotheses and generating ideas for deeper analysis.

A few examples...

  • Program & Channel Effectiveness Analysis
    Evaluation of the performance of various communication channels and marketing programs to determine which generate the best return on investment.
  • Sales, Variance, and Trend Analysis
    Examination of sales data to identify discrepancies from forecasts and detect emerging market trends.
  • Correlation Analysis
    Exploration of relationships between different variables to understand how they interact and influence business performance.
  • Customer Satisfaction Analysis
    Study of customer feedback to assess satisfaction levels, identify areas for improvement, and strengthen loyalty.

Contact us

500-355 Sainte-Catherine St W
Montréal (Québec)
H3B 1A5 Canada

Telephone: 514-237-5307
[email protected]